Thoughts : Thank You FDNY

Early American fire fighters in NYC.

Surreal is how I would best describe feeling after running into a house this past weekend who’s chimney was up in flames and who’s roof was ready to catch. I wasn’t sure if anyone had yet realized, but as I entered the owner jumped up, perplexed, first noticing that smoke had just begun to fill his home. Frantically he ran out not sure what to do, and all silly me could bare to ask was for him to help me get water ready to pour around the flames. Shortly the local volunteers arrived and awkwardly I left unsure what I was to do. Surely I had wanted to help, but was I supposed to wait for the pros whose job it was to take care of?

On Sunday I drove to hike some trails which I soon learned was dedicated to fallen Sep 11, FDNY fire fighter Michael Ciaiola.

Now back home in NYC, I can’t help but wonder how is it that we so graciously celebrate designers and builders of beautiful homes and yet those who stand by to save them and the people inside are only remembered by something as tragic as the falling of the twin towers. Personally I think it would be nice that every house that is ever saved bear a plaque including the names of all those involved. Moreover, I am surprised that they do not yet have a reality show of their own.

Thank you FDNY and thank you to the rest of the worlds fire fighters.

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